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Friday, January 1, 2016

"pastor" Steven L Anderson : Wolf in sheeps clothing - Heretic that teaches replacement theology and Anti-Semitism

There is a self-proclaimed "pastor" that is popular on facebook as well as youtube.  His followers defend him and his satanic false teachings.  I was, and still may, do a video on him although so many have been done on him already.

"pastor" Steven L. Anderson (of Tempe, AZ) teaches replacement theology and is an anti-semite who has caught the attention of the media as well as the Anti Defamation League (ADL is a watch organization for Antisemiticism)  Anderson has no formal bible training and only reads the KJV bible, no commentaries, and comes up with bizarre doctrines by taking verses out of context and expects his followers to believe what "the man of God" has told them (IE: his teachings)    he is a cult leader and is dangerous.

Steven Anderson has made videos claiming the Jewish people are "not the real Jews" and how all the promises Yahweh gave to Israel Yeshua took those promises and gave them to the church.  This is classic replacement theology.  He is also anti-government and has ties to white supremacy / Christian identity (neo-nazi) groups.  He has stated publicly - and got national attention - when he said he prayed president obama would die and all homosexuals should be executed.  He also made a youtube video calling ML King lucifer.

I have not watched all of his videos (there are TONS / hours and hours) - just enough to prove to myself that he is an anti-semite, he teaches replacement theology, and is a cult leader and people actually follow his teachings.  Most of this (not all) have been exposed by numerous videos and news articles made by others although I have only watched a few of the videos exposing him.    Anderson is so vile and demon filled I can only stomach listening to him for a short time so I'm hoping I will not be led to make a video about him.  He is also a Holocaust denier and claims the Jews are "not really the Jews"

The reason for this post is to bring up something which I had not seen anyone else bring up regarding him (with my limited youtube views)  Anderson was interviewed several times by so-called "pastor" Texe Marrs.  Texe Marrs is infamous in that he teaches the satanic serpent seed doctrine which claims that the Jewish people are physical descendants of Eve and satan (their offspring was Cain according to this satanic teaching)  Texe Marrs has written books on this topic.  I have made a video exposing infamous youtuber 'Hummingbird' and her adherence and teaching of this satanic serent seed doctrine (another infamous youtuber that holds to it is BPEarthwatch)  serpent seed is one of the most vile and heretical forms of replacement theology.

Below is several links regarding Steven L. Anderson and his Anti-Semitic and satanic teachings.  I'm also including a link to a youtube video on 'Hummingbird' for those who are not familiar with this satanic serpent seed teaching:

ADL (Anti Defamation League)

Phoenix New Times

More SATANIC Hatred Of The Jews By Steven Andersnake!!!
(Marching To Zion is an Anti-Semitic video made by Steven L. Anderson)

Who Is A Jew According To Steven Anderson?

Mike Hoggard has also exposed Steven Anderson although I cannot link to his video because I totally disagree with his teaching against Yahweh and Yeshua's Hebrew names and I disagree with his teaching that we are to not observe Torah.  He has also mocked Yahweh and Yeshua's Hebrew names.

Video on serpent seed doctrine

1 comment :

  1. FYI: I just had an article published in a Christian Apologetics Journal which is titled "Serpent Seed of Satan," see here:


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